Photo Diary: Two California Summers

Ilford Sprite 35 II + Expired Film

7/27/2023 • Photography

A few years ago, I purchased an Ilford Sprite 35-II camera. After having a few disposable cameras lingering around my house for years, I wanted a fun and cheap film camera that was reusable and less wasteful. I noted this in my last post, but I finally shot my first roll with that camera, and hey, it wasn’t completely blank (but I did have a lot of terrible shots and exposures). These are some of my favorites, which I took in San Francisco and Oceanside. They’re all shot from the same roll of expired film (2009) that I either picked up at a swap meet years ago, or from a small camera shop when I lived in SF. I haven’t shot with film much since those SF days, so I was excited to see how these would turn out!

Expressively shot on…Mitsubishi color film??