Let’s Talk About Graphic Design

A Talk for High School Seniors

5/12/2023 • Graphic Design

This year I had the opportunity to speak to a group of high school seniors about graphic design. Though I’ve always shied away from public speaking of any kind, this year just feels different (did I mention I graduated from therapy?) and this was the perfect opportunity to push myself in new ways. Plus, more importantly, I wanted to volunteer my time and talk to students who genuinely wanted to learn more about a field they don’t know much about (aside what they see on Instagram or TikTok). I know I would’ve valued hearing from a graphic designer when I was a senior.

Since it was my first presentation of this kind, I spent a ton of time building out a deck that was both informative, fun, real, and of course, image packed. I’m really happy with how it turned out (though I won’t be sharing here), and I hope it made a positive impact on them. The students were engaged and asked really good questions, but I already know how I’m going to improve it for next year.

Typography: Neue Machina from PangramPangram