Inspired by Éliane Radigue

5/26/2021 • Music

Early in the pandemic, I briefly mentioned some of the music of Éliane Radigue and how I was listening to her frequently to de-stress and try to reduce the constant headaches I was experiencing. I’d listen to her with headphones and an eyemask on while lying mostly in the dark, trying to not think about anything. But I was listening to the same songs over and over, which, of course, wasn’t a bad thing—it just really inspired me to make music. Why? New listening options and an excuse to finally make something for myself. No clients. No work.

I started working on DRONE(((E)))SCAPES in the Summer of 2020, which I will slowly continue build off of when time allows. It was hard to make the time to work on these, with major burnout from my job while also looking to make a job change, so the second one sat untouched for months. I’m not a musician (just a supporter ♡) so I’m definitely learning as I go along, but that makes it even more exciting—low expectations and freedom within my own capabilities and equipment.

Despite the long period of time both of these went untouched, the creative process was enjoyable and interesting to work through—especially when thinking about how it differs from design processes. Maybe I’ll touch on that later when I have more of these to share. Technical aspects aside, I’m trying to be being less critical of myself and using any large edits I have as inspiration and opportunities for the next one. I’m actually really happy with how these turned out, and I’m hoping that continues—ideally within a much shorter period of time. Below you’ll find the artwork and links to DRONE(((E)))SCAPES No. 01 and No. 02 to listen to if you’re interested.

You can find them on Mixcloud and Bandcamp.

DRONE(((E)))SCAPES No. 01 Artwork
DRONE(((E)))SCAPES No. 02 Artwork